National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada

VE3NJH Biography Cross

Donald (Don) Heaslip - SK - QCWA# 31866 (Silent Key)

VE3NJH text


Don grew up in Oshawa, Ontario.

Education / Employment History

Amateur Radio History

Additional Information

He was active on HF CW, SSB and PSK31.

Don was particularly fond of building - especially VHF antennas.

He was a regular check-in to the weekly HF Pot Lid Slow-Speed CW Net, to the daily morning Rubber Boot 2M FM Net and a regular user of IRLP.

Don and his wife Marg VE3EQE joined QCWA in 2001.

He received his QCWA 30 Year pin at the Chapter 70 May 2007 dinner meeting.

Don also served as Chapter 70 Photographer, taking photos of the presentations and audiences at the November 2008 through September 2009 dinner meetings that were posted in the old web site Events Photos section.

Don passed away July 20, 2010 at the age of 75 years.