National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada
VE3KKL Biography
Gord Curling - SK - QCWA# 33622 (Silent Key)
Born in Quebec but grew up in Ottawa.
Education / Employment History
- 1955-1985 – Employed at various companies as automobile mechanic – including Lewis Motors, Canadian Tire, Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton
- 1963-1964 – Ontario Motor Vehicle Training Centre (Toronto) – Graduated with Class A Interprovincial Motor Vehicle Mechanic Licence.
- 1976 – After further study obtained licence certification for heavy duty and diesel engines to work on heavy trucks at RMOC.
- 1985 – Medical “retirement” due to back injury.
- 2021 - Gord became a silent key on May 15, 2021.
Amateur Radio History
- 1978 – First licensed as VE3KKL after many years on CB developed interest in radio communications.
- 1983 – Passed examination for Advanced.
Additional Information
Most interested in VHF and UHF, though have HF capability (80-10M).
Have 6M DXCC (4th in Canada), WAS and VUCC.
Member of ARRL/CRRL, CARF, and RAC.
Member of Rideau Amateur Radio Club and served as President (1991-1992)
Member of Manotick Amateur Radio Group. Served as President for several years and helped install the club 2M repeater.
Member of QCWA and Chapter 70. QCWA “25 Years Licensed” lapel pin was presented at the Chapter 70 November 2006 dinner meeting./p