National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada
VE3KI Biography
Richard (Rich) Ferch - QCWA# 33456
Rich grew up in Fort William, Ontario (now part of Thunder Bay) and began experimenting with electronics in high school.
Education / Employment History
- 1964-1968 - University of Waterloo - graduated with BMath in Applied Mathematics.
- 1968-1974 - Cornell University, Ithaca NY - graduated with PhD in Applied Mathematics (thesis topic was in astrophysics).
- 1973-1976 - Worked for the Lab for Plasma Studies at Cornell University doing numerical modelling in plasma physics.
- 1976-1979 - Worked at Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd's Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment in Pinawa, Manitoba helping develop reactor safety modelling software.
- 1980-2006 - Came to Ottawa in 1980 to work for the then Atomic Energy Control Board, which became the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in 2000. Held a variety of posts there, among them: Scientific Advisor, Safety Evaluation; Head, Event Analysis and Generic Review Group; Director, Research and Support; Director, Components and Quality Assurance; and Director, Wastes and Decommissioning. During that time he also served as Canadian representative on a number of international committees and working groups. Retired from the CNSC in 2006.
- 2006 - Self-employed consultant to various Canadian and international organizations on radioactive waste safety and regulatory issues.
Amateur Radio History
- 1978 – First licensed as VE4AEO.
- 1979 – Passed examination for Advanced Certificate.
- 1980 – Moved to Ottawa. Assigned call sign VE3IAY. Active on HF CW for a few years.
- 1985-1995 – Inactive.
- 1995 – Became active again, starting with HF CW DXing, then taking up contesting in both CW and RTTY.
- 2006 - Radio Amateurs of Canada – Vice President of Regulatory Affairs.
- 2006 – Obtained two-letter call sign VE3KI. Still holds VE3IAY.
- 2009 – Re-obtained original VE4AEO call sign, which he uses while visiting family in Manitoba.
Additional Information
Rich operates HF CW, RTTY and PSK31. Active contester, occasional DXer.
Member of the documentation team for the N1MM Logger contesting software. Active member of several amateur radio-related Internet user groups.
Operating awards include 5BXCC (also DXCC on 30m, 17m and 12m), WAZ, 5BWAS, WPX, Canadaward & 1000-Mile-per-Watt, all on CW; DXCC & WAS on RTTY; plus various contesting awards and certificates.
Member of RAC, ARRL, Contest Club Ontario, CW Operators' Club (CWops), North American QRP CW Club (NAQCC), PODXS 070 Club (PSK31).
Joined QCWA as a Life Member in 2006. Served as Director of Chapter 70 (2008-2011).
Rich was presented with his QCWA “30 Years Licensed” lapel pin at the Chapter 70 May 2008 dinner meeting.