National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada

VE3GS Biography Cross

Roy (John) Athey - SK - QCWA# 22917 (Silent Key)

VE3GS text


John grew up in England.

Education / Employment History

Amateur Radio History

Additional Information

John’s main interests were in this order - home-brew construction (to which he brought a professional design expertise), HF DX, and antennas.

In 1980 he was accepted as a member of the DX Honour Roll, only the third member from Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec.

John was a member of Ottawa Amateur Radio Club and served as DX Editor of the OARC Ground Wave newsletter.

John joined QCWA in 1989 and gave a very informative two-part presentation at the Chapter 70 May and November 1993 dinner meetings on catching the rare DX entities and getting the contacts confirmed by QSL cards.

He received his “50 Year Licensed” Golden Certificate and lapel pin at the November 1999 meeting.

John passed away on May 24, 2002.