National Capital Chapter 70 - Ottawa, Canada

VE3BKW Biography Cross

William (Bill) Haney - SK - QCWA# 9703 (Silent Key)

VE3BKW text


Bill grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and attended schools there.

Education / Employment History

Amateur Radio History

Additional Information

After WWII he used converted surplus and commercial equipment.

Bill had an interest in the design and reconstruction of radio gear until the outbreak of WWII and in DX and rag-chewing in later years.

Bill joined QCWA and served as a Director of Chapter 70 in 1979 - 1981.

He was the guest speaker at the May 1978 dinner meeting on the topic of amateur radio in the early days as well as his experiences in the Arctic.

Bill passed away October 20, 1982 at age 72.